A mathematical model of animal behaviour was suggested in 1995, it combined priming and homeostatic mechanisms into one dynamic nonlinear systems.
Projecting the model over human behaviour led to a cybernetic theory of aging, where the brain acts as an information channel with diminishing bandwidth: Anecdotal age related changes in human perception could be explained by the age related reduction in bandwidth.
Analyzing funniness raw scores is a convenient way of testing the predicted changes. 100 Humorous sentences were classified in four age trends and tested for internal consistency. Comparing with 100 Big Five personality scores, funniness scores showed higher internal consistency. Significant correlation coefficients were found between humour and two traits, confirming earlier research.
Conclusion: Humour/funniness raw scores could be more reliable than personality self-assessment in identifying individual personality traits.
Kadri, F. (2022). Reinventing personality from a Volterra nonlinear model of motivation. Acta Europeana Systemica , 11(1), 41-58. DOI:
Thursday, July 27. 2017
Download The Design and Validation of an Artificial Personality
Here is the text version of article published in Kybernetes:
Tuesday, June 24. 2014
The Cybernetics of Humor

Presented to the American Society for Cybernetics conference, Washington DC, August 2014
The Cybernetics of Humor; The Application of Signature Analysis to Humor
Second edition of eBook available on-line from Amazon.
Continue reading "The Cybernetics of Humor" »
Tuesday, October 4. 2011
The Design and Validation of an Artificial Personality

The purpose of the paper is to expose the usefulness and scientific roots of the Artificial Psychology patent and support its commercial viability by statistical evidence.
Article published by:
Kybernetes, Vol. 40 No. 7/8, 2011
Full text is obtainable on-line.
Continue reading "The Design and Validation of an Artificial..." »
Friday, August 5. 2011
Comparing Regulators: The Homeostat vs. Multiplier Feedback

To be presented at the American Society for Cybernetics conference, Richmond IN, August 2011
To compare the regulation mechanisms of negative feedback with multiplier feedback. Continue reading "Comparing Regulators: The Homeostat vs...." »
Tuesday, January 5. 2010
Artificial Psychology Dialog Player with Aging Simulation

US Patent #7644060 issued on Jan. 5, 2010
An artificial psychology dialog player is a software program that picks a sentence line from a repertoire according to probabilistic rules and artificial personality states. The model of personality has four motivational dimensions, one of which (the emotions) is always paired with one of the remaining three (feeding, sociosexual and parenting motivations); each pair is identified with a stage of human age. Continue reading "Artificial Psychology Dialog Player with Aging..." »
Saturday, June 5. 1993
An Analytical Approach to Hysteresis

Proc. ISSS Third Canadian Conference, Ryerson, Toronto 1993
To propose a block diagram and a Volterra system solution to the general phenomenon of hysteresis.
Continue reading "An Analytical Approach to Hysteresis" »
Friday, July 17. 1992
Multiplier Feedback: Analysis of a Quasi Homeostatic Model

Proc ISSS, 36, Denver CO, 1993
To show how a multiplier element works as a regulator in feedback loop and how to use the tools of Volterra systems to analyze the mechanism.
Continue reading "Multiplier Feedback: Analysis of a Quasi..." »
Analysis of a Volterra System with Priming Properties

Proc. ISSS, 36th Annual Meeting, Denver CO, 1993
To show the block diagram and Volterra system mathematical representation of a priming mechanism of motivation.
(Page 1 of 1, totaling 10 entries)