The average funniness score of individuals is a by-product of scaling raw scores, the correlation between average scores and Big Five traits found significant correlation with Extroversion and Neuroticism. Correlation with raw scores found similar results in earlier studies, suggesting that the average funniness score is a major contributor to linking humour with two traits.
Then, scaled scores were aggregated in keyed groups of 5 high/low loadings and correlated with Big Five traits, correlation profiles showed a signature plateau pattern predominant across gender and age trends, most notedly, near zero dip in correlation with the same two traits. The existence of the signature pattern suggests the possibility of predicting Big Five traits in two steps. Computing the relative entropy (Kullback-Leibler diversion) provide assessment of the accuracy of prediction.
The age profiles showed jagged but generally declining correlation between Big Five and funniness, suggesting declining dependence of personality on age at adulthood.
Conclusion: Assessed relative entropy of predicting personality traits from funniness scores. Scores need to be scaled in order to improve prediction.
Kadri, F.L.(2022). The Entropy of Predicting Personality from Funniness Scores. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 10(7), 80–90. DOI: 10.29121/granthaalayah.v10.i7.2022.4666
Saturday, December 8. 2012
A Primer on the Interpretation of Humor
Humor is probably a uniquely human characteristic, here humor is defined as A sudden falsification of perceived threat. The falsification presumes the perception of a lie, humans can recognize a lie, animals maybe not.
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Sunday, December 9. 2007
Humor preference changes with age
Internet TechNote December 8, 2007
The purpose is to explore the statistical basis for a possible patent application based on the 4D model.
Two humor appreciation internet surveys ran in 2007, the humor lines were interpreted according to the 4D model and the scores analyzed against age and gender variation. The analysis supported age prediction with statistical significance but no significant gender difference. The statistics in effect provided initial validation. Continue reading "Humor preference changes with age" »
Sunday, March 26. 2006
Personality between Cognition and Motivation
Internet TechNote March 26, 2006
To describe a hypothesis of personality structure where the dimensions derived by factor analysis can be interpreted in dual cognitive and motivational context.
Comparing the descriptions of the four drives (4D) with the dimensions of some well known personality models reveals a more complex structure than the simple two dimensional tables shows. The novelty is to interpret in two contexts: cognition and motivation, some dimensions appear to be referenced in a cognitive manner, others in motivational manner and the remaining seem mixed or rotated between the two. Continue reading "Personality between Cognition and Motivation" »
Thursday, March 16. 2006
Aging between Cognition and Motivation
Internet TechNote March 16, 2006
To explain an intuitive rationale behind linking humor type preference to post adulthood age.
Humans are considered mature and accountable usually at age 18 yet their behavior keeps developing afterwards. Post adulthood age related behavioral development cannot be attributed to cognition otherwise it would be a legal issue, e.g. a systematic factor in determining the guilt or innocence beyond adulthood. Behavioral development has to be attributed to motivation.
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Artificial Intelligence between Cognition and Motivaton
Internet TechNote March 16, 2006
The purpose is to present arguments that support the duality of cognition and motivation
Cognition alone cannot mimic human behavior; not only because cognition is static but also because cognition requires motivation in order to define its context.
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Friday, May 26. 1995
A New Nonlinear Model of Mechanism of Motivation
Refereed paper by Kadri, F.L. and Duncan, I.J.,
published in Behavioural Processes v.33 (1995) pp. 273-288
To propose a mathematically rigorous dynamic nonlinear model of motivation combining priming and homeostatic mechanisms.
Minimum recommended background:
1- Working knowledge of Laplace Transforms
2- Basic knowledge of Multidimensional Laplace Transform (MLT) techniques, see for example chapters 1 to 7 in book: Schetzen, M, "The Volterra and Wiener Theories of Nonlinear Systems", Wiley, New York 1980. Continue reading "A New Nonlinear Model of Mechanism of Motivation" »
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