Friday, May 26. 1995
A New Nonlinear Model of Mechanism of Motivation
Refereed paper by Kadri, F.L. and Duncan, I.J.,
published in Behavioural Processes v.33 (1995) pp. 273-288
To propose a mathematically rigorous dynamic nonlinear model of motivation combining priming and homeostatic mechanisms.
Minimum recommended background:
1- Working knowledge of Laplace Transforms
2- Basic knowledge of Multidimensional Laplace Transform (MLT) techniques, see for example chapters 1 to 7 in book: Schetzen, M, "The Volterra and Wiener Theories of Nonlinear Systems", Wiley, New York 1980. Continue reading "A New Nonlinear Model of Mechanism of Motivation" »
Wednesday, November 9. 1994
Sound Location in the Barn Owl
Initial findings were reported as: Barn Owls use ITD's as Elevation Cues, Animal Behavior Society (NERABS) Meeting, Univ. of New Hampshire, Northampton, MA 1994.
Barn owls have asymmetrical ears and can locate the sound of prey horizontally and vertically in total darkness. Current research since the 1970's believes that horizontal location cues came from time and vertical from intensity differences as sensed by the owl's ears. In 1994 I challenged the view that intensity differences played any part in sound location and reported statistical evidence that points to time differences as the cues to both horizontal and vertical locations. Article submission for publication in a peer review journal was not accepted. Continue reading "Sound Location in the Barn Owl" »
Saturday, June 5. 1993
Approximation Criterion for Volterra Systems Nonlinearity
Proc. ISSS Conference on Universal Knowledge Tools, Ryerson Polytechnic Institute, Toronto, ON, June 1993.
To extend the application of Volterra system representation. Continue reading "Approximation Criterion for Volterra Systems..." »
An Analytical Approach to Hysteresis
Proc. ISSS Third Canadian Conference, Ryerson, Toronto 1993
To propose a block diagram and a Volterra system solution to the general phenomenon of hysteresis.
Continue reading "An Analytical Approach to Hysteresis" »
Friday, July 17. 1992
Multiplier Feedback: Analysis of a Quasi Homeostatic Model
Proc ISSS, 36, Denver CO, 1993
To show how a multiplier element works as a regulator in feedback loop and how to use the tools of Volterra systems to analyze the mechanism.
Continue reading "Multiplier Feedback: Analysis of a Quasi..." »
Analysis of a Volterra System with Priming Properties
Proc. ISSS, 36th Annual Meeting, Denver CO, 1993
To show the block diagram and Volterra system mathematical representation of a priming mechanism of motivation.
Sunday, April 1. 1990
Animal Drives in Humans: 1990 Book
Animal Drives in Humans; A Cybernetic Model of Normal Human Behavior, ISBN 0-9694181-0-8, Trycode, Windsor, ON, Canada 1990.
Ross-Ashby was a cyberneticist, in 1960 he described the Homeostat: A multi-element dynamic model of control of body parameters. This book draws parallels between animal motivation and the elements of Ashby's Homeostat.
Continue reading "Animal Drives in Humans: 1990 Book" »
Tuesday, January 19. 1988
A Dynamic Point of View: 1988 Book
A Dynamic Point of View on Psychology and Values, in Arabic, ISBN 977-205-024-2, Cairo, Egypt 1988.
I was armed with the analysis tools of nonlinear dynamic systems and wanted to apply the math to model human behavior. My main question was: How should behavior be classified in order to apply nonlinear control systems theory? This book shows the direction which oriented me for the next 20 years. Continue reading "A Dynamic Point of View: 1988 Book" »
Tuesday, July 20. 1971
The Dissociation of Variables: A Transform Technique for the Determination of Volterra Kernels in i-Space
XIX Int. Congress on Nuclear and Aerospace Electronics, Rome 1971.
A rule exists to distill a Multidimensional Laplace Transform (MLT) down to one dimension corresponding to real time, in this conference paper I suggested a complementary rule to reconstruct an MLT expression. Continue reading "The Dissociation of Variables: A Transform..." »
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